Body: Human. Short, pale, and rather thin. Dark eyes. Blond shoulder-length hair that is usually tangled. Occasionally the scruff on his face is left to grow, but he dislikes it; Alfie helps him shave when it becomes too scratchy to ignore. Notable traits include: blank stare, stiff posture, and many scars. He is not exactly weak, but his little build makes it easy to overtake him in hand-to-hand situations. His eyesight is very good, but he is sensitive to unexpected density of noise. He does not fall ill very easily and tries to get enough sleep. To keep his mind sharp.

Age: Currently 24 years old. Birthdate unknown

Descent: Sweden

Languages: Swedish, English

Skills: Sharpshooting, moving silently

Person:Swen is, to put it lightly, socially clumsy. Fortunately for him, he doesn’t speak much English anyway. He does not speak very often, or with much emotion. He does not like to be touched, misses social cues, and hardly has time to bother with etiquette. But he is an honest person, provided that he sees no practical reason to lie. As blunt as he is, Swen will not intentionally hurt the feelings of the handful of people he truly cares about. He seems to genuinely enjoy the company of Alfie alone, and simply tolerates the people he ends up working with. If he were to fully engage with an acquaintance, it would likely be to explain guns. He’s very interested in firearms, their make, their history… this is one of the few subjects that could prompt him to speak for more than a minute at a time.
